Violin concertos from the beginning to the present day

Current: Over 4500 different compositions for solo violin and orchestra, of which recordings exist

compiled and collected by Toni Bernet-Strahm
compiled and collected by Toni Bernet-Strahm

Over 4500 violin concertos listed so far: to browse and find out more!

With this homepage I would like to list violin concertos from all countries and epochs that are available in recordings.  I have organised the collected recordings of violin concertos by composer, by year of premiere, by country and by the respective performers. A special section consists of violin concertos composed by women and of which recordings exist. See lists above!

Listen to Unknown Violin Concertos!


But the essential thing happens when you listen to these violin concertos. That's why I've opened a separate homepage that refers to so-called unknown violin concertos. For me, these are concertos that should be played and listened to more often in addition to the masterpieces of the concerto literature.

Enjoy these concertos here!